Student Work

Creating Classroom Culture

Distance learning due to Covid-19 provided its own challenges in both in setting expectations and maintaining a learning environment.


Distance Learning Experiences

In this padlet, I asked my students to describe their challenges and triumphs they’ve experienced with distance learning so far.

Students also shared an aspirational travel destination post COVID-19.

* Student names have been redacted


Here I Am

Ice-breaker presentation designed to help students communicate their strengths and unique interests to their peers.

This activity helped to cultivate a sense of community among my students, as well as familiarize them with functions of Google Docs.


Post-Voltaire Tolerance


After analyzing excerpts of Voltaire's treatise (and enduring a hectic election week) students reflect on the people in their lives who have taught them the meaning of acceptance.


Strengths Survey

A socioemotionally supportive activity designed to help students identify and reflect on their strengths and achievements.

Formative Skills Builders


Imperialism in Africa - Primary Sources

After analyzing motivating factors for the partition of Africa and the poem "The White Man's Burden," students examine four primary sources to investigate the claim of moral justification for imperialism in Africa.


Border Lesson - Formative Poll Embedded

Students learn the distinction between geographical and political boundaries, and respond to poll questions as checks for understanding


Summative Essays


Enlightenment DBQ

Students respond to the document based question: "Enlightenment Philosophers: What was their main idea?"


Imperialism DBQ

Students respond to the document based question: "What were the driving forces behind European imperialism in Africa?"